The Farm of La Plume

Our organic farm nourishes our home throughout the seasons. It's a wonderful place to explore and learn.
Designed by the combination of permacultural farming and the small hilly terrain, our agricultural project aims to be responsible in the long term, with a view to protecting the balance of the ecosystem in which we live.

Our variety of crops requires little or no watering, and
Thanks to the ponds created by Josef Holzer, we are totally self-sufficient in water.
We're committed to respecting and protecting nature, and we cultivate well to bring you the best!

La Ferme

Nourricière grâce à son potager en permaculture, la ferme permet également de se reconnecter à la nature et à la terre.

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Our cuisine

Our on-site catering prioritizes local and seasonal cuisine, emphasizing fresh produce from organic and local farming. The menus, aligned with the seasons, showcase culinary simplicity, highlighting the true taste and freshness of the ingredients.

Toutes nos propositions sont personnalisées

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