« The mountain is disconcerting. Its landscape is wrinkled and secret. Words and habits stumble over the passes. »
Jason Goodwin, Chemins de traverse

The La Plume Estate is a large Italian-style villa, a former hunting lodge of the Marquis de la Penne. This residence cultivates the spirit of a large family home and is a creative space for executives and entrepreneurs, where they can be inspired by the teachings found in nature. It is also timeless for the organisation of all types of private events.
Nestled in the heart of the Parc Naturel Régional des Préalpes d’Azur, in the village of La Penne, the La Plume Estate is an invitation to return to the essentials in a setting of beauty and harmony.
Overlooking an exceptional panorama, Domaine La Plume offers wide-open spaces and a permacultural organic farm. A veritable reincarnation of the work of men in communion with the earth, air, sun, wind and water, it is also a training ground and an infinite source of inspiration.
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